
Photogrammetric Week 1993

Fritsch/Hobbie (Eds.)



Dieter Fritsch

Photogrammetry and geographic information Systems - evolution instead of revolution

Wolfgang Kresse

Digital orthophoto production with PHODIS

Gertrud Roth

Innovations and upgrades for analytical stereoplotting

Monika Sester

Modelling strategies in photogrammetry

Michael Hahn

Measurement by image matching - state-of-the-art in digital photogrammetry


New Technology for Aerial Photography

Rolf-Peter Mark

The performance capabilities of modern aerial camera Systems

Rolf Becker

Experience with a modern photoflight navigation system

Hans-Dieter Arnold, Peter Herms, Ralf Schroth

New results from photoflights with GPS

Holger Schade

Integrated sensor Systems for digital photogrammetry

Christian Thom, Isabelle Jurvillier

Experiences with a digital aerial camera at Institut Geographique National (France)

Leif Erik Blankenberg, Ola �vstedal

Block adjustment with GPS - results from test flight FREDRIKSTAD

Otto Hofmann, Anton Kaltenecker, Franz Müller

Das flugzeuggestützte, digitale Dreizeilenaufnahme- und Auswertesystem DPA - erste Erprobungsergebnisse

Peter Seige

MOMS: A contribution to high resolution multispectral and stereoscopic earth observation from space

Jörg Albertz, Heinrich Ehner, Gerhard Neukum

Die Kamera-Experimente HRSC und WAOSS der Mission Mars 94/96


Photogrammetric Image Processing

Werner Mayr

Photogrammetric digital image processing at Carl Zeiss;

Robert Ecker, Rainer Kalliany, Gottfried Otepka

High quality rectification and image enhancement techniques for digital orthophoto production

Ulrich Düren, Wolfgang Michalski, Hans-Peter Stöckler

Die Herstellung der Luftbildkarte 1:5000 in digitaler Form beim Lande svermessungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen

Lothar Kiefer

Digital photogrammetry in the Land Consolidation Authority in Baden-Württemberg

Christian Heipke

Performance and state-of-the-art of digital stereo processing

Jos� Luis Colomer

First experiences using digital photogrammetric stereo workstations at the ICC

Toni Schenk

Image understanding and digital photogrammetry

Carola Braun

Gebäudeextraktion aus digitalen Bildern

Ernst Spiess

Raster output of photogrammetric data


Image Data within Geographic Information Systems

Johann Zahn

The establishing of raster data archives at the Bayerisches Landesvermessungsamt

Robert Winter

Konzeption zum Aufbau eines digitalen Luftbildarchivs in Niedersachsen

Emmanuel Baltsavias

Integration of ortho-images in GIS

Jean Loodts

Digital orthophotos and GIS: the perfect couple

Ralf Bill, Görres Grenzdörffer

The importance of digital orthophotos for sectoral Geo-Information Systems

Lars Ottoson

Database for the 1:10 000 map of Sweden

James Cadoux-Hudson

Making aerial photos work

Gerhard Gomon

On production and importance of digital cadastral photomaps in the newly-formed German states


PhoWo 2025

April 1-4, 2025




Carl Pulfrich

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University of Stuttgart
Institute for Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
70174 Stuttgart


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