September, 13-16, 2022, Stuttgart
Registration of participants:
From Tuesday, September 13 to Thursday, September 15, 2022 the business hours will be from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
On Friday, September 16, 2022 buisness hors will be from 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
All lectures will be held in the "Haus der Wirtschaft", Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19, 70174 Stuttgart
All lectures will be given in English.
The demonstrations will take place in the "Haus der Wirtschaft", Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19, 70174 Stuttgart according to a separate schedule.
The demonstrations will be held in German and English.
Application and fees:
Applications for the 58th Photogrammetric Week should be made by
online registration (will open mid-March).
The participation fee is:
- Euro 500.- for registration and payment by June 30, 2022
- Euro 550.- after June 30, 2022
Daily tickets will cost Euro 250,-
For Master and Bachelor students below 27 the participation fee is 250,00 Euro. ID will be checked upon registration.
Conference office (September 13 to September 16, 2022):
"Haus der Wirtschaft"
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart
Opening hours:
Tuesday, 13.09. - Thursday, 15.09.: |
8:00 - 17:30 |
Friday, 16.09.: |
8:00 - 13:00 |
Covid Situation
The Federal Corona Regulations and the Regulations for the State of Baden Wuerttemberg valid at the time of the Photogrammetric week shall apply.